Tyumen State Medical Academy

| Tyumen State Medical Academy | TSMA


  • Tyumen State Medical University
  • Tyumen Medical University
  • Tyumen Medical Institute
  • Tyumen Medical College

Tyumen State Medical Academy is a public institution of higher education located in the city of Tyumen. The Tyumen State Medical Academy was founded in 1963 as the Tyumen State Medical Institute. In 1995, the Tyumen Medical Institute received the status of the Academy. Today the educational process is carried out in five academic buildings and 24 medical institutions in Tyumen and the Tyumen region. The structural units of Tyumen State Medical Academy consists of Research Library, Academic multidisciplinary clinic, computer testing center, the Museum of Anatomy and Museum of History, Publishing Center and three hostels with different levels of comfort. Currently educational activities for 6,000 people are provided in 62 departments with the staff of 912 teachers. In last 5o years 14000 students graduated from Tyumen State Medical Academy.


  • General Medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Dental/Stomatology
  • Pharmacy
  • Higher Nursing Education
  • Post Graduation

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